With an emphasis on aligning leadership to strategy, Susan specializes in conducting board effectiveness reviews and coaching board members both individually and as a team.
She also coaches global, multicultural teams, providing leaders with deep insight about their leadership qualities. She has coached top teams in many of the FTSE 200 and Fortune 500 companies across the globe including Microsoft, Unilever, Sony, Philips, Barclays, Tesco, Carlsberg, and Coca Cola.
Susan recently spent 31⁄2 years working for two global Indian Conglomerates, providing leadership expertise as well as one-on-one and top team coaching. Before moving to India she was Partner and Head of Thought Leadership at Whitehead Mann in London, conducting leadership assessment and development programs as well as board effectiveness reviews. A psychology graduate of Columbia University, Susan has co-authored The Global You, How to Manage in a Flat World (published in 8 languages), Employability and Complete Leadership, and produced a number of research publications on board effectiveness. She blogs for the Huffington Post on women in leadership and board effectiveness.
Global management consultant Susan Bloch has years of experience in advising boards, directors and senior executives on how to capitalize on their leadership capabilities.


Susan conducts board effectiveness reviews, and coaches boards on how to capitalize on their leadership capability. Recently she co-led a research project on board effectiveness with Prof. Cate Goethals of the University of Washington Foster School of Business. Aided by five MBA research associates, they conducted interviews with 102 board directors — 53 men and 49 women — representing 465 boards in 19 countries. The results of the Building Better Boards Project will be released in the summer of 2014.

"Why We Need More Women in the Boardroom" - 03/22/2013

"Women Still Struggle to Get to the Top" - 05/01/2013

"How to Succeed in Business: The Power of Daughters" - 07/03/2013


Select Global Clients

Successful leaders recognize that they need to constantly learn, grow and change. In today’s competitive landscape, yesterday’s successes will not necessarily continue to guarantee top performance in todays and tomorrow's global world.
Susan offers tailored one-on-one and team development and coaching programs designed to enhance individual, team and business performance. Focusing on the distinctive challenges of senior leaders, they will have the opportunity to discuss complex issues, rehearse the arguments, and play the game of consequences in a totally confidential and supportive environment. The objective is to coach leaders to improve business performance by building those structures, processes, and skills necessary to optimize team functioning. Susan has lived and worked in 5 countries. She has accumulated unique expertise in global organizations coaching multicultural teams in Africa, Europe, Asia, Israel and North America. She now consults with companies where leadership and virtual management across borders, cultures, continents and time zones are critical for business performance.
Susan has coached over 25 nationalities in many locations in Europe, Asia, North America, Africa and Israel. All programs are focused to deliver tangible outputs using data collection through structured interviews, observation, psychometric assessments and 360-degree feedback. The appropriate mix of performance measures are co-developed with clients. Rooted in her extensive experience of coaching leaders from around the world, Susan has developed an on-boarding program designed specifically for global managers. Leaders in transition plan how to lay the foundations for high value performance. They prepare to engage a diverse group stakeholders in relevant geographies, across cultures, time zones, and languages. This requires mapping and executing an entry strategy, to ensure strong leadership presence. In addition, clients focus on the personal, career and geographical challenges for themselves and their families.

By Susan Bloch & Philip Whiteley | Key strategies for becoming a successful operator in todays highly competitive global economy
Millions of people are now global business workers. Even though you may not use the term as such, you are buying, selling and managing all over the world. But are you prepared for it? For the cultural, linguistic and technological challenges that you will inevitably face? This book provides 10 practical ways to enable you to think and behave like the savviest global operators.
Drawing on the authors extensive research on successful international workers, managers and entrepreneurs, the 10 strategies here are designed to help you expertly negotiate the cultural minefields as well as the practical implications of operating beyond your familiar environment.
Among the strategies:
• Think global
• Learn to work in a multi-cultural context
• Raise your global profile
• Manage across time zones
An excellent practical resource, The Global You shows you how to master the global mindset and skill-set that will keep you ahead of the curve.
"Susan Bloch and Philip Whiteley have done a remarkable job of assembling a set of strategies for preparing managers for the increasingly global organization and marketplace. The book is very thoughtful and very practical at the same time. The strategies suggested will be useful not just for building a global mindset but also for increasing managerial adaptability and mental flexibility in general. Indeed I would recommend the book for all managers, not just those assigned to global roles; for the latter I would say: Dont leave home without it."
- Gautam Ahuja, Harvey C. Fruehauf Professor of Business Administration, Professor of Strategy, and Chair of Strategy at the University of Michigan
"The Global You gives a compelling view of globalization and what it takes to perfect borderless working. Its brilliant in the way it forces us to look at our worldview and start thinking globally. A must-read for all who wish to succeed in todays highly networked world."
- Girish S. Paranjpe, co-CEO of Wipro IT Business and member of Wipro Ltd board of directors, India
"The Global You is very much the practitioners guide to coming to grips and effectively dealing with a global business worldproviding a solid foundation and actionable framework for ones journey."
- Shai Weiss, founding partner of The Virgin Green Fund, UK
Susan has extensive experience in consulting with non-profits to develop strategy, vision, mission and road maps for implementation thereof. She has also served on a number of non profit boards:

"Employability," Kogan Page 1995 part of MBA series
"Positive Deviants," The Journal of Change Management, Jan 2001
"Coaching Tomorrow’s Managers," Employee Counselling Today, Vol 8, 1996
"Keeping Pace with Change," Industrial and Commercial Training No 1, 1996
"A Flea in the Ear Voyageur," Jan 1995
"Developing Future Top Managers," The Mentor, Vol 2, September 1994
"Coaching for Success," Croner HR Briefing, July 1994
"Future Top Managers," Research Presented at IPD Conference, 1994
"The One-to-One Approach," Training Tomorrow, October 1993
"Business Mentoring and Coaching," ITD, April 1993
"Professional Re-engineering Tolleys," Journal of Employment Law and Practice, 1993
"Foundation Stones," Arthur Andersen Guide to Human Capital 1997
"The Non-Executive Director," The Company Secretary 1998